

these parts are raw...

check the last 2 tricks at least.....................

second part is rad........


In Case...

you haven't seen PVWHL, here's John Motta's part........ the compression doesn't quite translate the epicness of the DVD, but it's still amazing.

I <3 SF

not much to say, I had fun, I shot 4 rolls of super 8 film, and there's some photos etc... not too much to show, but at least I have my memories.


in 3 hours...

I will be waking up and going to the airport, bound for SF... mentally had to finish this first... art show at spirit skate shop sometime in march? hopefully?...



in honor of nich coloring miss butterfly, the first person who can figure out what the wording says gets both doodles mailed their way... (the lettering was part of another page, just photoshopped it in)... so yeah, send a myspace message my way, myspace/filmercharlie, or leave a comment on here... either way I'll just check date stamps and whoever, if ever, gets it, gets it if they want it. have a good weekend. I'm in SF!


Good Luck...

I will be in SF friday-sunday... so here's something to stare at for 1.2 seconds. Photos and (and doodles?) whenst I return.



totally didn't even think to blog this, but I wanna throw it out there for everyone. Eric Logan, having a part in my very own Apples & Oranges which I'm very proud of, has an interview/footage post up on vitalskate... SEE IT HERE!!!


Lazy Saturday...

it's cold here in spokane... careful what you leave in the car...

I got to spirit and there was a present for me under da tree... a 20 dollar gift certificate to spokane art supply from nich!!! so so so stoked.

milled about and filmed this 6.0 megapixel short...


painting this today... wish me luck... I always seem to botch the color choice... maybe I will film a timelapse of it...


3 hour classes...

equal bigger doodles...


March issue of Transworld Skateboarding... getcho name out dere



Lots of F words, but you'll be laughing to hard to even notice... take special notice of the utter randomness, the way he fake fires the gun, the dancing in the skeleton suit, random peeing on the ground, etc. etc. etc......... just watch............



with my handy dandy new scanner I can... well scan things that were previously unscannable...