
More Verichrome

the last worthwhile pictures from the roll... not so many. I at least learned my Yashica won't sync with flashes when I don't know that I should change the lever in order to make it sync haha.



Kodak Verichrome, expired 1968, sent through my yashica. More tomorrow.



through the bell and howell that got a new lens the other day I ran a roll of ilford 400 really quick over a few days, not really shooting anything particularly interesting or good... or knowing its shutterspeeds or what speed of film is recommended for it... I decided to develop it in coffee, which you can find instructions for all over the internet. I don't own any chemicals, so i had no fixer, which in turn lead to almost all images being fogged over when I brought the film into the light, since not all of the silver halide or whatever had been removed from the negs, so it kept exposing basically when I brought it out to dry, plus fogging from the coffee itself... here's a couple from it, basically the only ones visible... Trying it again soon when i can develop in the correct temperature of water, with fixer, and the right coffee measurements and with spindles that won't gnarl my film. Go on, now you try, failure is part of the fun, and it's impossible to fail.

crazy light leaks and developing splotches, but you can see some trees/a horizon around the huge black blotch

more of the same, but this one's rad, my eye obviously... what a gem!

crazy amount of levels in photoshop to make this one visible, there were a few more like this, but they were even more boring and pointless than this stoplight.


the reason

the reason everything is on hold and slowly moving... doing homecoming dance photography long into the night... wonderful. I've attended the Masquerade Ball (pictured below), A Black and White Affair, and A Night to Treasure... more dances in one week of work than I attended in 10 years of middle school through college.


Another new member.

let me talk about cameras more, rather than actually showing photos or anything of interest... a junker bell and howell 35j got a nosejob today from a camera that takes a different kind of film... we'll see what happens... Apples is coming along... will take an extra week than thought, but it is almost there.


New Family Members

Random antique store nearby, found both of these and got them for 15 bucks. A Kodak Brownie Hawkeye, and an Ansco Shur-Flash.

In the words of Moominsean, "an old camera deserves old film." Thus the Brownie gets some 35mm from 1972 (back when they had cooler colored film canisters apparently) though it's supposed to digest only 620, and the Ansco rightfully gets a roll of BW 120 expired 1968. I may never get a chance to drop film off again working 6 days a week, but when I do there will hopefully be some gems.