
Slide film.

the days pass by so quickly, I am working on apples but I swear it's still tuesday when it was supposed to be done in my head... soon.

hmmmmph... better ones tomorrow.




for disaster.

use front part of camera and turn it backwards so that the shutter trigger will be on the outside and you can trip it manually with your fingy.

cut up an old tin and bend it into "camera housing"

paint the inside of that tin so that light doesn't bounce around and mess things up too bad, but be sure not to use actual black paint, and for better measure be sure not to use flat paint that would work best, choose glossy so that the light can still bounce around easily and mess things up.

make a mask for your film and tape it inside the back of the "housing". realize later that it's obviously not going to be wide enough and your photos are most likely going to get messed up from light going to either side of the mask.......... duh........... too late now.

cut slits for the film to pass through. tape the edges afterwards so your film doesn't get scratched any more than it already will.

tape a lot.

tape a piece of a broken light bulb over the shutter because most cameras have a piece of glass there.

splice two rolls of 35mm together and use them to wind your film across, one being the takeup spool. tape around the 35mm cans and where the film leaves and enters them so that hopefully no light can enter there and tapdance on your film. tape a viewfinder to it. go outside and get stared at.



a couple days of silence, but here's some holgas.


the watchdog

the watched

the dead



I've been overeating, but the funny thing is that the weight has only been going straight to my left foot...

Bell &Howell 35J

These are from the camera that I put a smaller lens on, and because of it, it made these crazy vignets depending on what aperture you put the camera on (cloudy, partly cloudy, and sunny are the options). Because it opens more on the cloudy setting it doesn't vignet so much, but on the sunny setting you get a fully circular photo... kinda cool. A few more of these tomorrow.

you can really see the vignetting difference in these next couple.

I like the camera's reflection in the wing in this one.


The rest of the pinholes and one bonus.

this one is my favorite, the light streams in the lower left please me.

where a lot of horror movies start.

ghosts reading goosebumps

this one's no pinhole, nor is it really usable unless it's black and white... but it looks rugged and its birds, so it has to be a good photograph right? Jesse point your flashes! More from this weird vignetting thing tomorrow.



days worth of photos. Matchbox pinhole camera, I suggest you try this at home, super cool and easy.