

35mm in a 620 camera... mega pano, may be worth doing again sometime. Night shots in a few days and whatnot.



some cross processed snapshots with a new aperture priority camera... Olympus XA. Two more rolls of snaps coming... since these are so... great... They do have a different feeling to me, a lot more movement than the photos I usually take with my slr which obviously takes more time to take a photo with... these are more captured moments rather than scenes. or something. It's pretty janky, but I like it.


Some Slides

meh... but excited for some future endeavors... lots of film to be scanned from a new little camera, and a new technique to try out and post... soon...

looks so much better square... power lines galore.

guess this was a practical joke... stopped while driving past it one morning... next day I went by and it was all gone.

essentially of nothing... but I liked the two colors together...


California Roll, the last

My favorite from this bunch:

Steezy Stance


Delta 3,200 pushed to 12,800

Here's half the roll, the outdoors results... it was crazy taking these, even on this partly overcast day I was up around F22 and shutter at 1000, most of them are shot through my polarizing filter acting as a neutral density filter because it was simply too bright to shoot otherwise. Tomorrow has the indoors results. I have another roll of 3200 that I will probably take more time to shoot now that I know it will turn out at such high speeds... I was skeptical so I shot this one all in one day.

I likes this:

one lone surfer... no waves...

I like kitties. And I tend to like to put them in the lower left corner if you can recall the one from one of my older ultra color posts. In a year or two maybe I can post a recap of all the kitties I have photographed.