
Rest of the trip.

Lots of new photos and not the patience to write out and type much... so here's part of the rest all together... this is pretty much only one story, but lots of the other photos can be seen on my FLICKR.


One afternoon we went by a city park... it was FULL of couples on dates, literally every nook was taken. After going there I can see why you'd take a date there.

The whole place is like one huge sand castle, really cool from the outside and kinda fun to wander around and climb on. Then you get inside...

It's got an aquarium built in... sounds cool...

until you realize it's some sick laboratory filled with specimens they've found in the extremely polluted Nile river...

like this desecated seal carcass.............................. soooo coated in dust and rot.

oh look honey a rotting alligator and turtle!

this case was smashed to bits... from what I could tell they broke the glass, climbed inside, drank 3 orange sodas and 2 cokes and threw the cans on the ground, then stood the huge aligator carcass up on its nose, then left....

The next day we went to the zoo... it was closing right as we arrived but the owner decided we could come in.. he walked us around and took us into an employees only section of the lion building... A tiny hallway maybe 6 ft. wide and 30 ft. long, one wall of little barred cages like you see in the photo below... full grown lions chomping on bloody meat bones and roaring freaking loud... This was the last picture on my roll, and it was taken seconds before they opened up one of the cages and brought out a full grown lion, disturbing its feeding time, into the tiny hallway right next to us who are three strangers with strange smells to the lion who is also surrounded now by like 6 people... and then they encouraged us to grab its facial hair so they could take photos of us with it............................................. put that thing away now! it was terrifying and thankfully they took no for an answer as we all backed away slowly. After that the owner got pissed when I refused to pay him an extra tip for releasing lions on us and kicked us out.


Day 2

Took a long taxi ride into the middle of nowhere to the camel market. Rather depressing in the end, lots of whacking with sticks and animal abuse. Still fun to wander through and photograph. Still really bummed the lab basically screwed over 90% of my color film. But here's some salvageable things.

Are you sure about that?

This is Abdula who took us to the Egyptian museum. He got way pissed when we said no to his restaurant suggestion which was a tourist trap. In response he stopped talking to us, drove twice as fast, and almost ran over two young girls.

The museum was really cool but no photos alowed. Tonsssssss of old papyrus with drawings/writings on it that was amazing to see. Also some crazy animal mummies, a huge 20 ft. alligator one, lots of cats, and a hippo... More interesting after this day, and they should be up a lot faster since I have everything scanned now.