wonderful when things at first glance turned out worthless with motion blur... then you realize days later that it makes complete sense and chance has given you a more interesting photo than you intended... Predator vs. prey, owl vs. rodent, image vs. reality, you know all kinds of artsy things...

blowing it... going back soon for a legit composition.

Good as always. Really nice tones on the second...What film did you shoot? I just love the photo. The hands are just so perfect and crisp while the little hellen is a big furry blur! Your the man!
i like da yellow bus ones! get stupid dumb and hyphy on dat yellow bus! erghao;sruhva;ourhv:ORUgh
also the gum wall one is pretty rad! i ownder if some one would lick it in a dare! keep it up!! all your posts are soo rad!
it's ultra color 400... kinda unimpressed, though granted it's always overcast. always. so it's bland no matter what. going back to black and white after this, trying 100 speed from here on for a bit. Got a couple rolls of 3200 coming though too... hmmm. also gonna try redscaling some film.
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