Back from Egypt, it was a crazy trip, food poisoning/hallucinating/vomiting for an entire day, on my birthday actually, the city of the dead where people have moved in and live in homemade shelters and in the tombs themselves amongst graves due to overpopulation and crowding, and going to the zoo only to have the manager take us into a tiny back room and release lions into it with us; to name a few of the trips adventures. I wrote a daily log of what happened, perhaps I will scan and post it if anyone's interested. Tons of film to be developed.
Kohlton and Seth have reawakened my love for my yashica and have motivated me to lug it's fat, heavy form around with me in my backpack again. Last of the abandoned house photos, I promise.
very interested in the daily log. stoked it was a hell of an experience, that's way radder then something along the lines of "we sat at the beach every day, it was nice". meet up soon my friend!
That last one is seriously so so rad! Shoot more of these! I've loved them all. Honored to hear the sethytron and I have motivated you in some way!! Actually the two of us, along with joel and pat, shot from 10 last night till 6 in the morning! I shot a series that I've wanted to for soooo long, and will continue more. It's market street/hillyard are at around 4/5 in the morning. It was a great night!
Your trip sounds soooo intense my man! I, along with nich, and I'm sure every other scared american would love to see your daily log!!!! Seriously, i need to see it.
How many rolls did you shoot? I just got back from Hawaii and shot like 16.
yeahhhhhh! i love the last and the door photo and the one above! gooooooood job charlie! yeah im hyped your starting to shoot with that thing and i hope you keep em coming! cant wait to see another roll of color through that thing and all the ones from your trip! thanks my man!!!
very interested in the daily log. stoked it was a hell of an experience, that's way radder then something along the lines of "we sat at the beach every day, it was nice". meet up soon my friend!
That last one is seriously so so rad! Shoot more of these! I've loved them all. Honored to hear the sethytron and I have motivated you in some way!! Actually the two of us, along with joel and pat, shot from 10 last night till 6 in the morning! I shot a series that I've wanted to for soooo long, and will continue more. It's market street/hillyard are at around 4/5 in the morning. It was a great night!
Your trip sounds soooo intense my man! I, along with nich, and I'm sure every other scared american would love to see your daily log!!!! Seriously, i need to see it.
How many rolls did you shoot? I just got back from Hawaii and shot like 16.
yeahhhhhh! i love the last and the door photo and the one above! gooooooood job charlie! yeah im hyped your starting to shoot with that thing and i hope you keep em coming! cant wait to see another roll of color through that thing and all the ones from your trip! thanks my man!!!
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