zzzzzzzzz... just finally got home from spokane, but I stopped in everett on the way home and got din din with my girlfriend and watched some television. The trip was really fun, and the couple leftover clips/full miniramp montage will be up in a few days or so. Apples and Oranges inches towards completion. But, for now... here's some photos from the excursion...
Oscar wanted to come... but he doesn't skate...

On the road...

My mouth then began to pour blood... but not really...

This is actually a lot harder to do than you'd think...

Thankfully I made it to spokane and shared some food before Nich and Ben showed up...

Gibson... and someone who had a rough night...

Rollin' deep

Me, Nich, Ben, and Greg drove to the middle of nowhere to skate...

These amazing flatbars.

Ben gave himself tattoos in the backseat. "COOKIE"

And I got this horrid sticker out of a machine...

Ben, Leonard the rat, and Greg consuming liquid energy.

Trip essentials

Steve Sanchez owns many skateboards in his mini-ramp room

Tomatos are disgusting. Especially huge ones on semi-trucks.