Uneventful Day...
nothing really happened today... worked, came home, and bathed... talked to friends and loved ones... and now I'm off to sleep... here's a too hot for TV photo... snackin' 'n bathin'...

Memorial Day
got up and worked from 9:30 to 6... without time and a half or any benefit to myself for working the holiday... it was really slow... then I went to the s ledges as usual and skated with jake weger and friends... jake got his line pretty easy... I got mine after trying it 9,000,000,000,004 times... as this video clip proves. but I landed it... sketchy... oh well... don't care enough to go back and do it again. really really really sore, and I bet jake is too... hats off to you jake for being patient with me and filming, much appreciated. tomorrow is more work and perhaps a night sesh... here's a randumb photo from today...

OH SNAP!!! ...... ........ that's all for now... boring day... skating didn't work out haha, me and Dave were skating at the s ledges, but I realized right off that I wasn't feeling very inspired cause that's the only place I have skated the past 3 times I've skated over the course of about a week... tried to film the line I had in mind, but 1. I wasn't feeling it, and 2. just click and watch... dave took a gnar slam and shoulder/back were took out for the day so we went home... and it's rainy now... eating junk food and gonna make a tshirt for this tshirt swap thing online... BUT WAIT... that's not all... I was bummed, and Brittany came over and cheared me up. We watched part of Super Champion Funzone (4star vid), and then went to the skatepark for a half hour or something... she's patient and loving... then we went out to Vinces and had pesto pizza... so good... then watched this terrible movie I picked out that was all subtitles and completely incoherent.... it was great. <3

A day with Britt
slept in a little bit till just before 10am... got up, showered all that boring stuff... went up to everett and picked up Brittany and tried to go to Benihana's for lunch... but apparently they don't offer lunch on Saturday... lame... so we went and ate at McDonalds... talk about a come down... then went to Archie McPhee's... went back to her place, napped, hung out, watched crappy tv, ate dinner, and then cam
e home...
twas a fun day... here's some random photos from the day...

got off work early today at 6:30... was so stoked... it was like 6:15 when I got told... so I looked at the clock, 15 left!!! OOWEEEEEEE... so I went down to the s ledges in tacoma and skated around. Jake Weger and Dan Chang showed up and it was a shreddin good time... here's some photos and a video clip (digicam <3)> mmmm eating wendy's and relaxing on a friday night... so good.

almost friday
another wet day at work... feet are soaked... got asked to work an extra hour... that sucked cause my "yes yes yes 20 more minutes" turned into an hour and twenty minutes... but yeah, enough wining... the girls in the deli hook me up at lunch... came up on a LifeWater (a Sobe ripoff of Vitamin Water) and a full sandwich (somewhere around 5 or 6 bucks alone) for a total of $2.61 so I was hyped... also I think I'll start carrying my digital camera in my pocket and snap photos of some of the cars I drive, cause they're freaking gnarly disgusting... I'll have a "car of the day" photo posted or something... anyways... enough about work. more about fun. oh wait... didn't really have much of that today... oh well, life is good, and this weekend will be even better with skating, and empty house without family, time with friends, etc. Here's 3 totally randumb photos from no particular time period or theme...

just another good day...
got up, got dressed, ate fruity pebbles, went to work... worked... someone didn't put on the E-brake on one of the cars they valet'd so it rolled into another car, woohooo excitement... uhhhhhhh... almost had a good time tonight, but some crap happened and stuff... but I'm not stressing because life will take its course and God will take me where he wants. Life is not what happens, but how you handle it. Remember that kids. 1 year ago I would be sitting around pissed off right now and moping over all the bad things that happened today, but today: May 24th, 2006, I can look back on the day and be thankful for what I have and what happened and just smile and say it was good, because every day is good. here's a randumb photo that I'm not wearing any underwear in because I need to do laundry. good to know. bedtime.

Raining today... photos of oscar, dog, and bart, cat... hooray... and a photo of me getting serious on the way to work... lame... not much to say... started work today, valeting cars in tacoma, and was reminded of how many people in the world are so far gone and directionless in life that they give up and listen to country music... that's really all for now. check out www.zvereff.com if you're

went to spokane for the weekend to premiere the Spirit Skate Shop tour video of the road trip we took to the Top Shop contest in Minneapolis... the premiere went well and whatnot... a compressed version is available here... http://www.spiritskateshop.com/tourvideo.html. Jordan and Cory came with me, and we skated saturday and sunday and had a good time... got some clips etc. Ate at Slickrock Burrito with Nich, and Ben, hung out with the Manik team for a little bit, and \ skated. I ripped my palm open again as usual, and the shower this morning felt really... great... on it.

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