OH SNAP!!! ...... ........ that's all for now... boring day... skating didn't work out haha, me and Dave were skating at the s ledges, but I realized right off that I wasn't feeling very inspired cause that's the only place I have skated the past 3 times I've skated over the course of about a week...
tried to film the line I had in mind, but 1. I wasn't feeling it, and 2. just click and watch... dave took a gnar slam and shoulder/back were took out for the day so we went home... and it's rainy now... eating junk food and gonna make a tshirt for this tshirt swap thing online... BUT WAIT... that's not all... I was bummed, and Brittany came over and cheared me up. We watched part of Super Champion Funzone (4star vid), and then went to the skatepark for a half hour or something... she's patient and loving... then we went out to Vinces and had pesto pizza... so good... then watched this terrible movie I picked out that was all subtitles and completely incoherent.... it was great. <3

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