my nuka Nuka


catching fishes

sickest room...

gnar eel



my favorite jellyfish


reminded me of summercamp with a stick and some string tied around a gummy bear... for some reason they loved gummy bears...


On Monday we went to the Bodies exhibit... "A collection of 21 preserved human cadavers, along with 250 organs and partial-body specimens"..... it was pretty gnarly to say the least... especially since the actual full human bodies weren't in cases or roped off... you could literally go right up to them 1 atom away, but not supposed to touch them... they didn't smell or anything... it was very surreal... There was tons more to see than just this... the gnarliest was probly the brain with eyes and the entire wiring of the nervous system layed out still attached, incredibly intricate...
these are photos the local newspaper has posted online... but for a few more photos from someone's random flickr site... click here...


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